Avery Kang

4th Year | Communication Design

The Technology U + I Can('t) Reach Tech Fair! | Fall 2021


This class gave me a deeper look into technology and its applications. I learned about a lot of cool projects and ideas by amazing artists that I'll keep in mind for my other design projects. Seeing how flexible and personal the medium of technology can be makes me less scared of it and more prone to explore resources behind the screen.

Metaphor of Choice For Using Technology

A niche black hole


Hacktivist Computer

Speculative Computer

The Brief Rant On The Future Of Interaction Design got me thinking about the computer’s relationship to the body and the capabilities of fingers ultimately altering my computer design to something more inspecting to resting positions. The computer I designed for hacktivists for this project sends feedback to its collaborator by traditional computer parts (screen and keys), since hacktivists must hack/code above all else. The computer was made better for the hands for its purpose by being accessible and comfortable in casual positions. There is no longer a need to reach onto a board and instead, you can subtly use the device on any surface using your fingers.

Link to the Full Presentation

Please Watch Before Your Flight

Synthesiac Software & Peripheral

This project redefines the capabilities of Google Slides by using it in an unconventional way, inspired by Rez HD. Rez connects the game experience with sound, vision, time(pacing), tactility (with the alleged vibrating stick). It’s changing the experience by having variations in theme through each changed stage. The Way the game attempts to enhance a variety of senses led to the animation driven slide project. The Google Slides animation demonstrates a way to proactively show the guides of airplane safety in a kitschy and atypical way.

Link to the Full Presentation

발음 시험

My Networked Identity

This project is a portrayal of my identity, by showing a small and fun system I created trying to bridge my connection to my native country better. The text Glitch Feminism provokes the idea of Glitches being a malfunction, but should also be celebrated as a vehicle of refusal, a strategy of nonperformance. A paralleled experience is my growing up in Korea but always feeling foreign to it. This 발음 시험, or pronunciation test, symbolizes a chaotic harmony I made after living and working in Korea for over a year. It is an extra tier test for Korean native speakers to test their English pronunciations.

Link to the Full Presentation